Plugins can run native mobile code written in Kotlin (or Java) and Swift. The default plugin template includes an Android library project using Kotlin and a Swift package including an example mobile command showing how to trigger its execution from Rust code.
If you have an existing plugin and would like to add Android or iOS capabilities to it, you can use plugin android init and plugin ios init to bootstrap the mobile library projects and guide you through the changes needed.
The default plugin template splits the plugin’s implementation into two separate modules: and
The desktop implementation uses Rust code to implement a functionality, while the mobile implementation sends a message to the native mobile code to execute a function and get a result back. If shared logic is needed across both implementations, it can be defined in
This implementation simplifies the process of sharing an API that can be used both by commands and Rust code.
A Tauri plugin for Android is defined as a Kotlin class that extends app.tauri.plugin.Plugin and is annoted with app.tauri.annotation.TauriPlugin. Each method annotated with app.tauri.annotation.Command can be called by Rust or JavaScript.
Tauri uses Kotlin by default for the Android plugin implementation, but you can switch to Java if you prefer. After generating a plugin, right click the Kotlin plugin class in Android Studio and select the “Convert Kotlin file to Java file” option from the menu. Android Studio will guide you through the project migration to Java.
A Tauri plugin for iOS is defined as a Swift class that extends the Plugin class from the Tauri package. Each function with the @objc attribute and the (_ invoke: Invoke) parameter (for example @objc private func download(_ invoke: Invoke) { }) can be called by Rust or JavaScript.
The plugin is defined as a Swift package so that you can use its package manager to manage dependencies.
Arguments are serialized to commands and can be parsed on the mobile plugin with the Invoke::parseArgs function, taking a class describing the argument object.
First define the list of permissions needed and an alias to identify each group in code. This is done inside the TauriPlugin annotation:
First override the checkPermissions and requestPermissions functions:
Tauri automatically implements two commands for the plugin: checkPermissions and requestPermissions. Those commands can be directly called from JavaScript or Rust: